
Slí Beatha Float House

  • Benefits of Floatation Therapy

Floating Benefits:

💧Stress Reduction
💧Pain Relief
💧Increased Circulation
💧Anxiety Relief
💧To Promote Relaxation
💧For More Restful Sleep
💧Sports Recovery
💧Reduce Headaches
💧To Learn To Meditate
💧General well being
💧Creativity & Problem solving

Benefits of Floatation Therapy

Sports Recovery + Pain Relief
Studies show the floating practice accelerates the speed of recovery from sports related injuries. It also
helps athletes experience significant reduction from pain and muscle aches. Floating in Epsom salts, rich in
magnesium and sulphate increase’s blood circulation and oxygenation which is excellent for a range of physical benefits.

Pain can manifest itself in many ways and can often be a sign from the mind and body that something is out of balance.

Due to the weightlessness and sensory reduction experienced in the float tank, floatation therapy can aid
with relief of pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic osteo-arthritis, sports related injuries,
migraines, back and joint pain, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, bursitis and traumatic injuries. Floating also
stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the relaxation response. Studies
show a significant reduction in muscle tension and pain and lowering of stress hormones.

Just like any skill you want to master, you need to practice relaxing. (Say what?) “We usually attempt to move into relaxation mode when we’re in crisis — and then try to learn to relax in that moment. That’s like trying to learn to swim in the middle of a wave instead of in calm waters, If we practice relaxing when we’re calm instead of revved up, we’ll get better at it and be able to transition into relaxation more easily. Floating for one hour will help to lower levels of stress, anxiety and increase feelings of relaxation and wellbeing.The deep state of relaxation which floating brings about is profound, lasting long after your session.
Stress + Anxiety Relief
Chronic stress expresses itself through things like depression, insomnia, and anxiety. Flotation therapy can directly relieve this, but how?

The relaxation response method (RR) is essentially the exact opposite of the fight-or-flight response. It is the physiological process that relieves stress, occurring during states of deep relaxation. RR is able to combat stress so efficiently because of its calming effects on the parasympathetic nervous system, the portion of the nervous system responsible for many physiological changes within the body including energy conservation and deep relaxation. It is through this process that RR lowers heart rate and blood pressure and slows down breathing.

In the absence of distracting external stimuli, the mind enters a state of deep relaxation and meditation. The research shows how this state can actually be medicinal, as it has tremendous potential to reduce stress and thus the damaging symptoms that come with it. flotation therapy is one of the most potent methods of activating the relaxation response, and show how our environment can directly impact our physiological and psychological well-being. If you feel you need to manage stress and anxiety, consider giving this a try!
Improved Sleep
Customers consistently report having great night’s sleep after a single float session. physical pain and stress can take up a sleep-disruptive presence in our lives, often without our full awareness. Stress and pain frequently occur together, escalating one another in a debilitating cycle that’s particularly tough on sleep and our ability to feel and perform our best

Floating deactivates the systems which can keep us awake at night – giving us longer and more refreshing sleep.
Meditation + Mindfulness
Float effortlessly with no light no sound and no distractions entering into a deep meditative state. floating increases focus, making it easier to reach a meditative state both in the pod and elsewhere. The lowe respiratory rate achieved in the tank actually helps to calm your brain – encouraging it to slow down or stop various background processes – and clear your mind.

A regular floating routine can lower cortisol levels (a stress response hormone) and help you disconnect from the pressures of everyday life.
Consciousness Exploration
Floating can help us gain a different perspective, explore our minds, enhance creativity and problem solving ability, help with visualisation and even lead to ‘Eureka’ moments.
General Well-Being
A study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine explores sensory reduction in a flotation tank as a form of preventative healthcare. Its results showed substantial reductions in levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and pain; along with improved sleep quality and overall mood, floatation therapy has been proved to be an excellent way to prevent and treat many emotional and physical ailments.
Connection With Self
In a disconnected and demanding world, people float to reconnect with themselves.


Floating benefits both the mind and body.

One hour in a float tank is a profoundly serene experience which will help to lower levels of stress, anxiety and increase feelings of relaxation and wellbeing.

Floating can help calm our overly stimulated systems and restore the body’s chemical and metabolic balance.

Research consistently demonstrates that Floatation therapy has a significant impact on mood enhancement. Suggested reasons for this increased level of happiness include elevated levels of dopamine and endorphins, through to the deep meditative state achieved during floatation therapy. –

It can help to reduce muscular tension and relieve pain associated with arthritis, migraines, fibromyalgia & injuries. Float therapy can speed up the process of rehabilitation and recovery which makes it very popular amongst professional athletes.

Experience Better Sleep, Less Stress and More Relaxation.

Unit 33 Naas Town Centre,
Dublin Road, Naas, Co. Kildare,
W91 AH02