
Slí Beatha Float House


Are there people who shouldn't float?

You will not be allowed to float if you have any of the following conditions or in any of the following situations:

• Open wounds
• Incontinence
• Epilepsy 
• A high-risk pregnancy
• Have colored or permed your hair within 7 days
• Under the influence of any drug or alcohol
• Under 16 without parental presence

Is this new-agey mumbo jumbo?

The first flotation tank was developed in 1954 by the American neurophysiologist Professor Dr. John C. Lilly while working at the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) in Maryland.USA.
In 1982, International REST Investigators Society (IRIS) was founded in order to give the increased number of REST researchers a platform to share their research findings. For several years float tanks were solely used by researchers in university laboratories or by private individuals.

In 1983 floating increased in popularity as more became known about it’s effects. Today, flotation therapy is a rapidly growing trend around the world.

Will I get dehydrated from soaking for so long?

No – your skin doesn’t even prune up. You do absorb a lot of magnesium from the Epsom salt which has oodles of benefits.

What is the difference between the pod and the float room?

Not much really when it comes to experience, both are sensory reduction float tanks, both have sophisticated filtration systems the best on the market and in both tanks the water is heated and maintained to roughly human body temperature. The main difference from the tank to the pod is just their shape, the float room you have more space above your head but the area is more or less the same. In the float room the door opens out and in the pod the lid closes down just at your head making it convenient to open when you feel like it.

I'm pregnant.  Can I float?

Absolutely! There will be a womb within a womb! Floating can relieve a lot of the aches and pains caused by pregnancy. It is not permitted to float within the first trimester and if you have any concerns please consult with your physician before coming in.

Can I float if I have my period?

Yes. Just follow the same protocol as you would for a swimming pool or hot tub.

How often should I float?

The more regularly you float the better. Just like any activity, the more you practice the better you become, and the more cumulative effects you will see. It really depends on the individual.

What do I wear in the tanks?

We recommend that you don’t wear anything so that you can feel truly free and so you are not distracted by your clothing. However we completely understand this can be daunting the first time, so you can wear a costume if you like. You have your own private room to do as you please.

How will I know when my time is finished?

At the beginning of your session there is 10 minutes of music to allow you to relax and then a golden silence for 45mins. In the last five minutes the music will fade back in to ease you back to out of your float.

How are the tanks kept clean?

The high saline content of the floatation environment ensures that nothing harmful can survive within the tank. The water within the tank is automatically filtered between each customer (and 24-hours a day when not in use). The water is filtered through a 1 micron pool filter (that’s 1/100th the diameter of a human hair!) and is sanitized with a small amount of disinfectant and UV light. – See more at: https://floatworks.com/faq#sthash.o00gJmRQ.dpuf

Do I need to prepare in any way?

Don’t drink coffee for several hours beforehand (it can make your system jittery). Also, don’t shave or wax since the salt water can irritate your skin. Eating a light meal about an hour to 90 minutes ahead of time stops your stomach from sounding like an angry monster while you float. Other than that, there’s no specific preparation needed.

Can I drown if I fall asleep?

No. Some people fall asleep, but the water is so buoyant that you stay afloat.

What if I'm claustrophobic?

Our i-sopod is a revolutionary float pod packed with superior features and technologies. It is 8ft 6″ long by 5ft 6″ wide with lots of space to manoeuvre around, you can get in and out whenever you like. You control the opening of the pod and even the light, to ensure your experience is right for you.

People worried about claustrophobia consistently report no problems with floating. You’re always in control of your environment and can get out at any time.

What age restrictions, if any, are there?

Floats are for anybody aged 16 years old and over. For children under 16 a parent must be present and you must notify us beforehand.
Unit 33 Naas Town Centre,
Dublin Road, Naas, Co. Kildare,
W91 AH02