
Slí Beatha Float House

  • Sanitation & Hygiene


Our sanitation is top priority for us. We pride ourselves on ensuring the highest degree of hygiene is maintained.


  • We allow one hour between floats for complete ventilation of tanks and rooms and thorough cleaning.


  •  Strict sanitation between floats, All float tank interior including tank ceilings, walls, buttons, grab rails thoroughly disinfected with 1% Hydrogen Peroxide solution through a pressure sprayer (5-minute minimum contact time) and then rinsed with fresh water and dried after every session.


  • All areas in our float room, especially touchpoints, light switches, door handles anywhere people might come in contact with, are thoroughly sanitised between customers.


  • We close on a Monday morning to allow for a deep clean.


  • If you feel sick, please stay home & reschedule until you are well

Float Tank Hygiene

All customers must shower before and after their float. The highly sterile salt water solution of the floatation tank ensures that nothing harmful can survive within the tank. This solution is automatically pumped and filtered at least 4 times between each customer (and 24-hours a day when not in use). The water is filtered through a 1-micron pool filter (that’s 1/100th the diameter of a human hair!) and is sanitised with a commercial grade disinfectant and also sanitised with an ultraviolet light.

We want our customers to rest assured and reap all the benefits this service has to offer such as improving their immune system, reducing stress, improving sleep and much more. We look forward to seeing you all.
Unit 33 Naas Town Centre,
Dublin Road, Naas, Co. Kildare,
W91 AH02